Welcome to BMDshare.co.uk

The place for geneologists to share their UK birth, marriage and death certificate information

Search for Certificate

You can use this site to search for Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates to aid your family research. The site does not contain any images of certificates, just the information from them. As all BMD Certificates are subject to copyright we are not allowed to hold or supply images of the certificates. However, as all the certificates have been bought, the owner can share the information on them without being in breach of the law.

This site relies on the generosity of others who willingly share information from their BMD Certificates. This involves typing all the information from the certificate into the relevant form on our website. At no point does the original certificate leave the owners possession. The site is updated in real time, so as soon as you add a certificate it appears on the site. This means the site can be updated many times daily during busy periods. Please see the Help page for further details on adding your certificates to the site.

We hope this site can, in time, fill a large gap in all the genealogical information that is available on-line at the lowest cost possible. The site has both free and paid memberships. These membership charges will be what keeps the site running.

We can only accept information from UK BMD Certificates.

You can, of course still order a "real" UK certificate from the General Register Office. The cost since 2019 has been £11 per copy. Up to date fees can be found at the GRO Fee Page. 

Thank you for visiting BMDshare.co.uk, we hope you enjoy your visit and find the site useful.